When Yannis met Siân, they had just become work colleagues. Siân had taken on Yannis’ job, so was keen to get some advice on her new role and noting he always had a venti Starbucks in his clutches she invited him for a coffee (strictly professional of course)…
Enjoying each other’s company so much the coffee lovers ‘non-dates’ or ‘outings’ started to become a regular occurrence. Knowing Siân loved all things film and music related, Yannis decided to invite her to watch a Bob Dylan documentary at the Plaza Cinema (of course on a non-date). The night was a great success and both were in their element in the community run 1930′s cinema; however, Yannis nearly blew it on that cold night when the smoothy offered his coat to a shivering Siân but in her word’s “I wasn’t going to submit to such chivalry”.
Being no stranger to a challenge Yannis now firmly had his sights on Siân and was even more determined to win her affection. The rest of the tale is history and the two have traveled far and wide visiting places from their favourite films leading them to the roof of the Kodak Theatre, home of the Oscar’s where Yannis got down on one knee and popped the question. Now a third member of the family is part of their adventure, baby Roman (in theme with one of their favourite films of course).
I love love love this stunning album-what an amazing wedding ! They look so happy and you did an amazing job as always. Angela x